Reclaim Your Sensitivity
A self-led course, you can go at your own pace. It has great techniques and information that when pratcised can bring you back from overwhelm.
This course teaches you how to become more robust and resilient in everyday life.
"I help you to gain a deeper knowing of yourself so you are more prepared and responsive not reactive as you move through life"
Reclaim your Sensitivity was originally released as Self-Care for Sensitives, some of the material in the course refers to it as Self Care for Sensitives, please be patient with me as I slowly change the videos and materials, to give it a fresh new feel... it is as always a work in progress in balancing my life between this work, family life and being outside in my garden!
It’s a tough call to be a sensitive in today’s fast, overstimulating, constantly moving, noisy world. And our sensitivity is a gift, it is something to be fostered, developed, harnessed and loved – we need more sensitives to balance this modernity.
It is from this deep sensitive place that creativity and dreams come from.
Many  of the people that come to me consider themselves highly sensitive, empathic, intuitive and maybe neurodiverse.
Sometimes our sensitivity leaves us feeling unable to respond to life in a way that we would wish to.
This course is a series of tried and tested techniques that build and layer your inner core "energy" to build a deeper strength and more bandwidth that you can come back to time and time again.Â
This helps you to live more fully and to engage with life on your terms, with clear boundaries, knowing how to settle yourself and your body and to spot when you have tipped over the edge into overwhelm.
I specialise in teaching sensitive folk to understand how sensitivity is an extra sense and how it is hardwired into our nervous systems. Once we get this, we can start to use tried and tested techniques that help us become centred, grounded, resilient and robust.
If you find yourself being frequently overwhelmed by people, places and situations I aim to empower you to find a more appropriately connected space between yourself and life, reclaiming your sensitivity and empathy in these intense times.
About the course
- Easy to use format, with downloadable audio practices, pdfs, and spoken word content with an occasional video.
- In each lesson an opportunity to use creative processes as well as embodied imagination practice.
- Lessons released every week over a 5 week period.
- Allow about an hour week for the lessons.
- Practicing the techniques daily leads to change, when you start it will take about 15 to 20 minutes. With practice and the more you know the exercises the quicker they become.
These tools are life changing - you will
- Discover your energetic edges
- Develop an energetic inner core strength
- Understand more of where you end and others begin
- Become responsive rather than reactive
- Achieve a deeper knowing and understanding of yourself
- Identify tiggers that lead to overwhelm
When you practice and use the techniques offered you increase your ability to respond to situations rather than react, become defensive or shut down. This helps you to regulate and settle yourself so you can find more space in your body and become more peaceful, grounded and centred.
I help you weave these exercises into everyday life so they become second nature to you. This helps you to become robust and resilient, in stressful and challenging situations. I help you to remember to go one small step at a time and to step away when needed.
These tools are life changing!
What will you learn?
- How to build up a resonant, resilient energy body and engage your auric 'field' so it is responsive and not reactive to the situations around you.
- To take a step back from overwhelm.
- To be more aware of what is yours and what is other peoples.
- A brilliant tool kit full of juicy exercises that you can call upon to keep yourself clear, centred, grounded and boundaried.
- It will teach you how to begin to rest, to settle and relax and to regulate your nervous system