Dreaming the Seasons

with the Five Elements

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These circles offer us a way to connect to the landscape of our bodies.

They bring us into relationship with the Elements, Seasons and nature that is around us. I hold a safe gentle presence and guide you expertly through seasonal embodied imagination practices, settling practices and creative prompts.

The Circles bring you a deeper awareness of the spaces inside you and help to align you with your inner self; together this opens up to how you dream yourself forward in your life and path, especially in relationship to Earth, the seasons and how we interact with them.

I have been running these Dreaming the Seasons Circles for the past 4 years.

"The dreaming circle has been a wonderful experience; enlightening and thought provoking, providing a beautifully safe and supportive space for me to understand myself better. It’s enabled me to really rummage around those deeply hidden parts of my being which can sometimes hinder the journey along my chosen path"  Mel

I lean back into the beauty of the 5 Elements, this exquisite system that I have worked with since 2006, I am continually learning about them with every day, every circle, every client. We work with these as seasons, Water – winter, Wood – spring, Fire – summer, Earth – late summer, and Metal – Autumn, and how they interact with each other around us and within us.

We are listening to how we respond to the 5 Elements of Earth, and her seasons as we sow the seeds from our winters dreaming, tend the precious shoots of our years intents, nurturing these to blossom and flower, to bear fruit so we can bring in our harvests from the Summer, experience the blaze of leaves, the precious jewels we have received from the year and how we then let go of these moments, composting what we need to in order to be in the depths of stillness of Winter. The potency of the deep dream and we become aware of what we take into this deep place to incubate over our winter dreaming.

My work with the Elements is deeply inspired by the work of Lorie Eve Dechar and Benjamin Fox. I have recently completed their year long mentorship through the 5 Elements

Water Dreaming 23rd Feb

Dream with the Water Element of Winter. Learn how the Kidney and Bladder vessels support us in our deep dreaming of our year and how we bring that into fruition.

Be guided in dropping into your depths to discover what part of you is bubbling away in your depths waiting to be birthed  or to be continued dreaming with.

Wood Dreaming 27th April

Dream with the Wood element of Spring. Learn how the Liver and Gallbladder vessels support our growth and how we move ourselves out into the world.

Be guided in listening to your growth and how we can grow into our Dreams in a way that does not stress our bodies and how we manage our vision out into the world.

Fire Dreaming 29th June

Dream with the Fire element of Summer. Learn how the meridians of Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine and Three Heater support how we blossom into our presence.

Be guided in listening to the flowering part of yourselves and how they support you in shining the parts of you in a way that is contained, safe and sustainable.

Earth Dreaming 7 Sep

 Dream with the Earth Element. Learn how the meridians of Spleen and Stomach support us in feeling the sweetness of our year to date.

Be guided in understanding how we gather in the fruits of Summer, to give us resources, sustenance and nuturing to take us through into Autumn and Winter ahead. 

Metal Dreaming 30 Nov

Dream with the Metal Element. Learn how the meridians of Lung and Large Intestine support us in finding awe around us as we also let go.

Be guided in composting what wants to rot and bring us good soil as we release into the darkness whilst keeping the inspiration that connects us with our breath.

  • Timing 3pm to 6pm UCT
  • Each session is recorded, and available for you to download for a period of 6 weeks
  • During the circle we will cover a small bit of 5 Element theory
  • We will use gentle and powerful embodiment practices to help settle your body
  • We will use creative imagination practices to journey into your body to discover what your body wants to share in relationship to each Element
  • There will be a creative writing prompt and break out rooms
You can come to an individual session or all 5 and can buy as a bundle of all 5 or singley 
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Thank you ChaNan for dreaming in this offering, holding the space for journeying, and consistently delivering  the most beautiful container for exploration