Elemental Medicine with ChaNan Bonser

  Learning how to weave your senses into the elemental make up of your body to
bring you into a deeper coherence with yourself.

Elemental Medicine is the weaving and culmination of my training, research and self development work, with every training or session I offer, I learn something new, develop a deeper nuance and evolving deeper into the medicine of the Elements, of Earth and how their interactions with our dear bodies and the energies around us can bring change, support and balance.

As long as we remain open to the ways that the Five Elements of Ancient Chinese Medicine together with the Elements and seasons of Earth interact and interweave with us, bringing us into deeper contact with the rhythms of life around us, reminding us that at our core level we are elemental beings, there is hope. For me this is the work, how can we become more deeply aligned with the web of life, with our potential and evolve or even devolve in harmony, beauty and balance.

The 5 Elements comes with over 3000 years of history, mythology and practice,  its roots deeply embedded in seasons, symbology and dreaming the body. I love how this tradition comes alive in our body, through the meridian pathways, holding points,  seasonal influences.  The slightest touch, vibrational essence, crystal, plant or essential oil combined with the words behind the symbology may bring huge change, and opens us to entirely new lndscapes within ourselves

A key part of my work is based around the felt sense, witnessing, deep listening to what we are feeling within the caves, valleys and plains of our body. By drawing these places in closer, listening to them, giving voice to them,  we then begin to listen to the stories they hold. This can be done just as much in groups as individually, and through my programme of carefully curated courses and circles I offer you the safety of a well held space, which opens you to your own wisdom and gives you vaulable tools.

I am continually inspired by the gifts of Earth around us, how the small things can bring great change, and by wonderful elders who offer us the gifts of their wisdom.

I am offering you the opportunity to help reweave your senses back into right relationship  with your nervous system  and your energy body

Most of my course work, one way or another is about bringing your sensory system back into alignment with your nervous system and energy body, so the systems work in harmony together, reclaiming them to be a deeply resonant and aligned part of your body.  By doing this it offers you the opportunity to find the space within yourself to respond to the world around you reclaiming your sensitivity so it become a deep seated ally, a grounded partner to your body; one that you can trust deeply. Your energy body and nervous system are deeply interelated, together with your senses they are a trinity, one that is interwoven with your whole body. 

I am an innate healer, deeply intuitive, and highly sensitive. Growing up in a world thats constantly moving with the demands that life puts on us resulted in strung out nervous system and I carried hidden trauma from my background and ancestral inheritance. I firmly acknowledge the privelge I have been born into as a white woman in the United Kingdom and still I have had my work cut out  to find ways to bring myself a larger bandwidth and deeper resilience. If you are interested in my journey you can read more. 

More about me
FREE Resources to Resilience
Simple techniques to start building a wider bandwidth within your nervous system so you can feel more confidence in your sensitivity.

To receive the free guide sign up to my list

Online courses

Reclaim Your Sensitivity

A self guided course to help you become robust and resilient. Bringing your sensitivity home to yourself so it becomes a deep rooted ally.

More information

 Dreaming Your DNA - Opening your Potential

Join the waitlist for this extraordinary course to journey deeply with this aspect of your energy body that hold the patterns of your DNA.

More Information

Dreaming The Seasons Circle

Come and dream with the 5 Elements and the seasons in a beautiful held space where we journey through the landscape of your body to bring you more space and embodiment

More Information

I am lucky enough to have been invited onto some amazing podcasts, here is the latest with the brilliant Kate Codrington. 
There are some wonderful hosts and pods, folk who really know how to hold space and have excellent conversations with great questions; Amisha Ghadiali, Charlotte Church, Kate Codrington and Melanie Loizou. To explore our conversations do click through.

Listen to Podcasts

"The experience thus far has been profound, exciting and revealing. The course brings clearing, clarity and fresh perspectives on living. The 8 Extraordinary Vessels is a knowledge that I was not aware of and it is contributing to my life in such a positive way, bringing change that I have wanted, deepening my relationship to self, my work and living life as a whole. Being within an international group of participants has also enriched the experience. ChaNan is a wonderful teacher, guide and friend: her knowledge, presence and humanness offer a safe place for our refreshed inner selves to be revealed and acknowledged."         

Pamela Platt, New Mexico

As someone freshly navigating their sensitivity and deep childhood trauma and how it holds itself in my body and mind, Reclaiming Sensitivity has been so valuable. ChaNan has curated the course in a way that makes you and those scared and anxious parts of yourself feel safe and held — and empowered when all too often we are taught to resent them. Thank you, ChaNan, for these wonderful resources that are helping me find my way in settling and finding calm and safety in the face of intense overwhelm.                                                                                Maeve, Aberystwyth